Week Three

 I don't have much to report about this week of the program. I've been stressed out lately with my Chem class and Precal class. I feel like I'm starting to fall behind, which is not normal for me. As much as I want to blame my instructor for not having the time to get things done, he's not fully to blame. I'm not putting enough effort into completing my homework at a decent time. I had two quizzes this week. I thought I had done enough studying for my chemistry quiz, but there was a bit more than I expected to be in there. I got a C on it. In pre-cal, I'm having a hard time comprehending the current subject, but I think I'm finally starting to make sense of it. I feel very overwhelmed with making time to work on this project, but I'm hoping I can make more progress this week. 

Here is another photo of a different cartridge casing.
