Week Ten!

 Hey everyone! It has been a while since I have been on here to blog about my project. I've been swamped lately with my classes. I failed one of my tests, and I've been doing my best to try and stay afloat. I managed to pass my last test, so I'm feeling much better now. School is almost done for the semester. Just a few more weeks! Anyway, back to my project. I decided to make a video and sort of do a little vlog because I just don't think taking pictures does it enough justice to show you the individual markings. The footage is trimmed a little bit to offer you my comparisons. I was leading a specific kind because all the other 9mm casings I have examined do not have a firing pin impression like this one. Hope you enjoy it!


  1. Josie,
    That's seriously so awesome. I am happy to hear that you're feeling better, and I love the video you made. I find that videos are a lot of the time better and more immersive then just photos. Exams can be extremely challenging some times, my moods can shift here and there as well, that just means that we are passionate about our schooling!
    Alex S


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