This week, I don't have much to share on the blog. I extracted creosote from the tea to use it for controlling nutsedge. I checked on the seeds I had watered the previous week and noticed some of them had sprouted, though not all. Interestingly, there were more sprouts compared to when I used sunflower tea. This indicates that sunflowers possess stronger allelopathic properties than creosote. I discussed with Josh the possibility of resuming this research to the next semester, as I believe I need to allocate more attention to my other courses. On a positive note, I passed one of my calculus exams. Unfortunately, I'm still struggling with Chemistry, and we have another exam coming up next week. I must admit that I'm finding this class extremely challenging, unlike any other course I've taken before. Considering my difficulties, it might be best for me to consider dropping the class.
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